Warfare is an inescapable part of theStar Warsuniverse, from the Rebel Alliance’s defeat in the Battle of Hoth to a few elite Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers on the Forest Moon of Endor. You can seize your chance to get your boots on the ground and lead your troops to victory withStar Wars™: Legion, a miniatures game of thrilling infantry battles in theStar Warsuniverse!
Star Wars: Legion invites you to enter the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War as the commander of a unique army of miniatures filled with troopers, powerful ground or repulsor vehicles, and iconic characters like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. While innovative mechanics for command and control simulate the fog of war and the chaos of battle, the game’s unpainted, easily assembled minis give you a canvas to create theStar Warsarmy you’ve always wanted to lead into battle—whether you fight for the monolithic, oppressive Galactic Empire or the ragtag Rebel Alliance.
33 highly detailed miniatures and eight barricades draw you into the Star Wars universe.
Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader each pose with lightsabers drawn, ready to duel each other or anyone unlucky enough to cross their path. These miniatures are found exclusively in the Core Set.
Two squads of Rebel Troopers (each with seven unique miniatures) stand ready to fight for freedom on any battlefield. Five are armed with A-280 blaster rifles, while two heavy weapons specialists carry a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon and an MPL-57 modified to fire ion torpedoes.
A bipedal AT-RT miniature lends extra firepower to the Rebellion with three options for customization, allowing you to equip your AT-RT with a rotary blaster, a laser cannon, or a flamethrower. This version of the AT-RT is found exclusively in the Core Set.
Two squads of Stormtroopers (each with seven unique miniatures) are ready to crush the Rebellion wherever it rises. Five are armed with their trademark E-11 blaster rifles, while two heavy weapons specialists carry a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle or an HH-12 rocket launcher.
One squad of two 74-Z Speeder Bike miniatures invites your Imperial Scout Troopers to zip across the battlefield at lightning speeds. The squad leader miniature (pivoting in his seat to fire behind him with his blaster pistol) is found exclusively in the Core Set.